Facebook has inaudibly came out with its new "Ask" button. This feature has been rolled out to serve its users with an opportune moment to magnify the specifics that they are not able to see on their friend's wall. So users, you can now all the way grab hold of the general frame of your friends such as working place and education as well as the specific ones such as email addresses, personal address and personal numbers.
You can even send a personal message to the users along with the requested information. A notification with a list of options for replying will pop up on the users' wall upon receiving your requested information.
It is always standard to ask someone about their working status and environment but to query about their relationship status is something beyond. This had raised a few eyebrows out there.
Whatever it could be, it is not erroneous or obligatory to reply to someone's query. The question for now is whether the users' will prefer or not to respond to the interrogations of the thousand friends that they have gathered over the year dot.