Have you ever stared at your closet full of clothes, struggling in finding for some spaces for new clothes, yet don’t have the heart to let go of them? Well, you are probably a hoarder! But, guess what? You are not alone. Hoarding disorder sounds a little creepy. So, let's make it comfortable. It’s just feeling unable to throw things out even if they’re useless.
A team of www.musicmagpie.co.uk and stylist, Lucy Turner has come up with the most famous reasons for clinging onto clothing clutter. Here we go with some of the reasons and let’s see which one you use the most.
“It might come back into fashion”
You believe that those lame dresses you've been hanging onto will come back into vogue one day. But, how long to wait for that one day? At the end of the day, you will just lose space for the things you really love just for these “just in case” clothes.
“I’ll slim into it”
This reason puts smile on my face. If you use this reason often, count me in. Looking at the tight jeans and convince yourself that you will fit into it soon is just depressing. Why? Every time you open your wardrobe and realize that you are not getting any thinner but bigger instead. Depressing man! Don’t you think so? Let’s face the reality and buy clothes that fits.
“It reminds me of that time…”
That dress remind you to your first date. Maybe, you wore that on your graduation. Or just anything, name it. Clothes can definitely hold wonderful memories but at the expense of your storage space. Choice is always yours.
“It was a gift”
We all love gifts. But what if it’s wrong in size or makes you look like an auntie? It may have been lovingly gifted to you, but I bet you will not wear it even if the world breaks into two. So just pass it to someone who will wear it. Just in case, the gift giver questions you, pretend that you put it in the laundry. Cruel enough? I think so.
“It was expensive”
This one could make up the most familiar reason to stop you from giving away your clothes. It is surely hard to say goodbye if you had a hard time to buy it. But does it make you feel even better to look at the cloth in a corner of your wardrobe, gathering dust? Just find any buyer so that you can re-coup some of the cost and feel happy about it. At least you’re not wasting much.
This one could make up the most familiar reason to stop you from giving away your clothes. It is surely hard to say goodbye if you had a hard time to buy it. But does it make you feel even better to look at the cloth in a corner of your wardrobe, gathering dust? Just find any buyer so that you can re-coup some of the cost and feel happy about it. At least you’re not wasting much.
Let’s face it and start to clear out useless stuffs from your wardrobe or just leave it in chaos.