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"Automatic Only" Driving Mode To Start In June

According to sources, it seems to be that government acquiesce in instituting the new "automatic only" driving license in the coming days. The regime had proposed that the new driving license mode is only for the automatic transmission cars. 

As stated by the deputy director-general of Jabatan Pengankutan Jalan (JPJ), Datuk Yusoff Ayob, auto transmission cars will be in function for driving tests starting from June. He also claimed that the implementation was hold-up due to technical problems which complicated the printing of educational curriculum books. The educational curriculum books are anticipated to be deal out in May earlier than the execution of driving test to mechanized automobile users in June.

To our ken, every single one of the driving school tutors are being up skilled at the present time . This is to ensure the demonstrates to provide skillfully executed training to the to be automatic driving car licenser. 

The automatic-only driving license to be in function in no time. Hang on with us for further details regarding this news.

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