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Biography: Tactmatic

Tact grew up listening to hip hop in his early teen years after the heavy influence of hip hop hit the nation with groups like Poetic Ammo and Too Phat leading the scene. With the mad love for Hip-Hop going strong , Tact tried everything hip hop from break dancing to graffiti only to realize that the microphone was what he worked best with.

Starting off with only a RM10 PC Microphone and the downloaded version of Fruity Loops, Tact recorded tracks with rappers across the globe via the internet and participated in key style rap battles. Having won the battles he participated in, networks were built and affiliations with rappers around the country were formed and a collective from Penang consisting of Shark, Potentialz and Rude Mack joined forces with Tact to form the infamous Illinguists who were responsible for the track “Supafly” which gained recognition among the local listeners. Tact who by then had moved to the city, Kuala Lumpur form his home town in Teluk Intan, Perak established himself as an underground rapper who was hungry for recognition which soon came through as it did for many other local rappers through Astro Hitz.Tv’s Blast Off. Leading the now defunct group, Rapsody to the semi-final Tact then knew that if he was going to strive in the local scene, he was going to do it by himself as a solo artist.

Having performed in numerous shows/gigs/clubs , Tact found a new dimension in the music business by producing tracks and running a home based recording studio. Early this year, the need for diversifying revenue from the music business diverted Tact’s attention to the business side of the game and a sub-publishing agreement deal was signed with one of the major publishing companies. Tact founded the recently erected 'Tact Records' and does the publishing for artists signed to the label

Apart from the business, Tact is also one of the nations top freestyle battle emcee’s. He is now the emcee to beat, having won tournaments such as TYGS (Think You Got Skillz), KL Slam Jam, and The Illestcipher (Singapore).

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